[AWS] Tagging Resources

"A witty saying proves nothing." --Voltaire

[AWS] Tagging Resources

Amazon Web Services allows customers to assign metadata to their AWS resources in the form of tags. Each tag is a simple label consisting of a customer-defined key and an optional value that can make it easier to manage, search for, and filter resources by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. AWS tags can be used for many purposes.


Do not add personally identifiable information (PII) or other confidential or sensitive information in tags. Tags are accessible to many AWS services, including billing. Tags are not intended to be used for private or sensitive data.

Best practices

As you create a tagging strategy for AWS resources, follow best practices:

Best Practices for Naming Tags

Adopt a Standardized Approach for Tag Names

Keep in mind that names for AWS tags are case sensitive so ensure that they are used consistently. For example, the tags CostCenter and costcenter are different, so one might be configured as a cost allocation tag for financial analysis and reporting and the other one might not be. Similarly, the Name tag appears in the AWS Console for many resources, but the name tag does not.

A number of tags are predefined by AWS or created automatically by various AWS services. Many AWS-defined tags are named using all lowercase, with hyphens separating words in the name, and prefixes to identify the source service for the tag.

For example:


Consider naming your tags using all lowercase, with hyphens separating words, and a prefix identifying the organization name or abbreviated name.

For example:

The prefix ensures that tags are clearly identified as having been defined by your organization and not by AWS or athird-party tool that you may be using. Using all lowercase with hyphens for separators avoids confusion about how to capitalize a tag name. For example, anycompany:project-idis simpler to rememberthan ANYCOMPANY:ProjectID, anycompany:projectID, or Anycompany:ProjectId

Standardize Names for AWS Resources

[AWS] Naming Conventions Best Practices

Tagging categories

Technical Tags

Tags for Automation

Business Tags

Security Tags

Tagging Use Cases

Tags for AWS Console Organization and Resource Groups

Tags for Cost Allocation

Tags for Automation

Tags for Operations Support

Tags for Access Control

Tags for Security Risk Management